[Sussex] Firewall appliance recomendations

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Fri Aug 11 08:27:50 UTC 2006

Steve / Andy

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 03:40:31PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote: 
> > I use a Soekris (www.soekris.com) which I bought from www.kd85.com.  The
> > systems are small and both the net4501 and net4801 come with three NICs
> > one board.  Driver support is not a problem - a modern Linux kernel has
> > support out of the box.
> I too use a Soekris at home; they're lovely, if expensive devices.
> Bear in mind that the CPU is not beefy and there is no packet
> switching in ASIC like you have on cisco and similar hardware.  You
> will do well to get more than 20Mbit through one of these before
> you start adding the overheard of firewalling.  Don't expect to use
> it as a VPN endpoint either unless you'll also buy a crypto card for
> it.
> You can buy rackmount kits for soekris if you decide to go down that
> route.

Have either of you fellas used WRAP boards?  Currently looking at this
sort of thing:


With a case, PSU and 512MB Kingston CF card from ebuyer it comes in at 120 quid
plus VAT which is a bit cheapers than the soekris.

I'm looking at pfSense (based on OpenBSD I believe) at the moment to run
on it, but I would guess that linux would too - the hardware seems quite
similar to the soekris boards.

Any thoughts?

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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