[Sussex] JavaScript is no longer secure: TURN IT OFF NOW!

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Aug 13 18:23:11 UTC 2006


On Sun, 2006-08-13 at 17:14 +0100, Paul Graydon wrote:
> Well, I tried it on mine, we've got an old Netgear ADSL router, with 
> uPnP turned on for the internal network, as it allows programs like 
> azureus to open up ports as and when I use the program rather than 
> having them open all the time or remembering to re-add the rule each time.
> Doesn't seem to achieve anything other than know my win32 box exists and 
> thats it.  Can't complain much about that. *shrug*

This is a proof of concept.  It isn't trying to be malicious.

I just hope you don't go to a site that runs something that on you win32
box that uses uPnP to open up ports to allow some hacker into your


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