[Sussex] VPN attitudes

Andy Smith andy at lug.org.uk
Mon Aug 28 17:29:21 UTC 2006

On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 03:48:39PM +0100, Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> Andy Smith <andy at lug.org.uk> writes:
> >> Could you build an important enterprise tool (like an email system)
> >> based on a VPN?
> >
> > Most enterprises already make use of VPNs.  I don't know whether
> > your question means "could you, Andy Smith, set up this particular
> > service?" or if it means "could enterprises in general put their
> > essential services out on the Internet and connect to them via VPN?"
> I meant "what is the attitude of your company to using an important
> enterprise tool (like an email system) with access over a VPN?"
> In other words, could you, practicably, sign up your company to an
> email service (say) over a VPN and they (your cpmpany) wouldn't barf.

No, as our office email system is something we want to manage
in-house.  Your question appears to be more about outsourcing and
not about VPNs.  We use VPNs to our remote sites and to some
customers and suppliers.  Whether to outsource is about the service,
the supplier, the SLA, etc etc and not the VPN technology used.

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