[Sussex] Need a new web host

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 3 23:35:31 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 10:18 -0600, Dominic Humphries wrote:
> Hot on the heels of switching to a new ISP...
> My web host is crashing about every ten minutes, and has been most of the week.
> I'm sick of their downtime, so I'm moving. The only question is, where to?
> I need somewhere that allows subdomains (at least 3) & multiple (web)mail
> accounts. I also need a mysql dbase, at least 100MB of storage space, and a
> fair amount of bandwidth (used >4GB last month). Shell access would be nice,
> but I can live without it.
> Any recommendations on a good place to move to?

Try www.plugsocket.com

Steve W

> Thanks in advance
> Dominic
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