[Sussex] Applying Fedora Core 4 patches when there is no Internet access

Brendan Whelan b_whelan at mistral.co.uk
Wed Jan 18 10:00:39 UTC 2006


I have to upgrade a Fedora core 3 system to Fedora core 4 at a site not connected to the Internet. Using a test system, I have done an upgrade from Core 3 to Core 4 but I now want to apply the latest updates. Since I will be performing the actual upgrade at a location without the Internet I would like to copy the changes to a CD, via a Windows XP system, and get the update process on Linux to access that information.

The Fedora site provides the following updates:

This site offers an FTP download which looks easier to use:

If I don't include the Open Office updates, because Open Office isn't normally used, then the remaining files will fit on a single CD. 

Any suggestions as to how I can get the update process to look at the CD? 

Is there a neater way to get the update files?

Thanks,  Brendan

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