[Sussex] [OT] Running a server from home

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Sat Jan 21 16:17:15 UTC 2006

Rob Malpass wrote:

> I have 2Mb (downlink) and presumably 256kb uplink ADSL.   I also (am
> lucky enough to) have 1Mb download and again presumably 256kb uplink cable.

The ADSL will probably be fixed IP address, the NTL is nominaly NOT fixed IP
address, however I have this service and my IP address has only changed 2 or
3 times in more than 5 years, each time as the result of a fairly major
event at NTL's server site.

I run servers from home on my NTL connection, I use dyndns.org to provide me
with dns services, it's free. To keep their records up to date on what my
actual IP address is I run a client task (ddclient) which monitors my IP and
updated dyndns when it changes.

It's been very reliable with the only problems being when I saturated my
connection back in the bad old days of 300/75k connections.

Now that you are back we ought to arrange meeting up for a beer.



Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
+44(0)1903 236872  |  +44(0)7799 143369  |     0x1B3045CE

"Captain, the tribbles are eating the boards, the dilithium is
decrystalizing, the warp core integrity is shot, the engines refuse to talk
to me, and -- worst of all -- we're out of duct tape!"

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