[Sussex] The Moot and M$'s SCO FUD in the UK IT Press

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Wed Jan 25 10:30:07 UTC 2006

Dominic Humphries wrote:
> Quoting Andrew Guard <andrew at andrewguard.com>:
>> What dribble are M$ on now, they think that by publishing something in 
>> UK it will not get notice worldwide.
> Ah, but now pro-SCO/MS American journals can say "as covered in the 
> prestigious
> British Journal" and sound really convincing to the people who can't be
> bothered to read the actual source.
> Like in the "Get the facts" campaign, remember? :o)

I wouldn't be surprised if the same "British Journal" is now getting 
growing number of e-mail's now!  It be more intresting to see what is 
writen in the next issue.

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