[Sussex] "I'll CLI"

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed Jan 25 15:51:48 UTC 2006


On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 08:12:24AM -0600, Dominic Humphries wrote:
> You ever have those days when you're really, *really* bored?
> (To the tune of Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive")
> At first I was afraid
> of the CLI.
> Kept thinking I could never live
> Without a GUI...

This is brilliant!

We need to get this posted so more can read it.  Do I have permission
to put it own our website?  And if so what creditation do you want,
and what license?

Second I thing we need to record this.  It's just too good not to.
BTW - I couldn't carry a tune if you gave me a tune carrying bucket.

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