[Sussex] Advice and Opinions on a laptop purchase please?

G.J. Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Thu Jan 26 13:04:57 UTC 2006

Neil Simmons <nasimmons at gmail.com> writes:

> Any one of them is plenty powerful enough for my needs (and truth be
> told, my preference is the AMD as it's also got a 15.4" widescreen) -
> but I want to make sure that whichever one I go for, Ubuntu is going
> to 'Just Work'.
> Has anyone had any experience of Linux on any of these three, and
> opinions they would like to offer?

Probably not quite what you're looking for price wise, but Linux
emporium sell ThinkPads pre-built with Ubuntu and supported.  If I
were buying a new laptop right now this is where I'd be looking:


.. I've actually had a conversation with the CEO of the company this
morning and I am suitably impressed with their knowledge and attitude.

G. J. Teale
Software Engineering Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
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