[Sussex] hardening tool as discussed yesterday

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Jan 28 00:00:52 UTC 2006


On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:37:52AM -0000, Armin Hartinger wrote:
> It was good fun, although the tech infrastructure was a bit retro :)
> I'm gonna polish a few knobs (door kind) today to arrange a projector
> for next time.

Can you keep me in the loop regards the projector front.  I am the
normal meeting coordinator for the SLUG - I just couldn't get there
this month as earlier as I normally do.

I also have access to a projector, but this month I wasn't given 
time to arrange it.  It belongs to a client who is nice about
that kind of thing.  However, it is an extra trip to pick it up/return
it so if you have more convent access then all the better.

Nice meeting you.

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