[Sussex] PPC or Intel

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Fri Jul 7 11:52:05 UTC 2006

On Fri, July 7, 2006 11:24, linux at oneandoneis2.org wrote:
> My girlfriend wants an Apple laptop, and in a moment of madness, I
> offered to buy her one.
> But she can't decide if she should get one of the older ones with a
> PPC processor, or a newer one with Intel Inside.

My feeling is that in a few years time, the PPC architecture Macs will be
obsolete much in the same way the PPC processor drove the 68k Macs

My guess is the migration to Intel means that the code will be easier to
maintain as the bulk of BSD is on that processor, continually migrating
the code from Intel to PPC would seem worthless.

Apple also have the possibility of selling OSX as a shelf product, as
Intel processors mean it will run on Intel PCs. A Mac user on a PC running
OSX would be much happier than Windows.


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