[Sussex] Asterisk/Trixbox

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Tue Jul 11 17:05:16 UTC 2006

On Mon, July 10, 2006 19:19, Al Bennett wrote:
> Evening all
> One of the companies I work for has a small office (three people) and
> we're
> considering some kind of PABX type set up for three lines.
> Does anyone here have any experience of setting up a simple Asterisk or
> Trixbox type set up?  What kind of SIP handsets and PC hardware did you
> use?

Trixbox has its limitations but is a great way to look at the telephone
system visually. You can create IVR extensions through its web frontend
for instance and watch the calls using the Flash operator panel.

If you rolled your own Asterisk box, you have control of which interface
you wish the users to see and use and more hands on control of the
extensions and channels you wish to implement.

I'd suggest getting a Digium TDM400P card to handle the phone lines (with
3 FXO modules) and dedicated IP phones (as they plug straight into the

If you are using a wireless network setup, Cisco/Linksys sell an adapter
that turns a wired IP phone into a wireless phone.

Get Cisco or Snom handsets as they tend to be more featureful and more
reliable than cheap budgetone phones. IIRC you can setup the Snom phones
from their builtin web server.


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