[Sussex] OpenWRT newbie

Diego Moore diego.moore at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 20:08:37 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I've recently got a WRT54G and managed to get OpenRT installed, all
was ok. The next step was to configure it to bridge with my othe AP
but it went all wrong as I was then unable to even see the router!

Taking into account that I'm new to OpenWRT and have never configure
configred wireles under Linux, would someone be able to help me get un

I can get it to failsafe mode (wait for DMZ led and press reset for 2
seconds). From here I can telnet to and then I attempt to
setup the nvram:

nvram set lan_ifname=br0
nvram set lan_ifnames="vlan0 eth1"
nvram set lan_proto=static
nvram set lan_ipaddr=
nvram set lan_netmask=
nvram set wan_ifname=vlan1
nvram set wan_proto=dhcp
nvram commit

But nothing, am I missing something?



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