[Sussex] Breezy and evolution-data-server et al

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Tue Jun 6 09:13:21 UTC 2006

Hi folks

Do any of our resident ubunters (breezy ones) know if / how you can turn
off the various evolution components that are run by default in Breezy.
I've just discovered that between them (there are 3 components) they use
up about 145 MB of RAM, which, since I don't use Evolution, is WAAYYYY too
much!!  However doing a

apt-get remove evolution-data-server

would rather alarmingly result in the removal of large chunks of gnome,
the ubuntu-desktop package and nautilus, among other things which I
would rather keep !!??!!  :-(

Anyone found a way to disable the evolution components or at least
trim them down to a reasonable level.

Any thoughts anyone?

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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