[Sussex] Broadband for low bandwidth users

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Mar 11 13:02:58 UTC 2006

On Sat, March 11, 2006 12:45, Steven Dobson said:
> Hi Gang
> I'm looking for an ISP for my parents.  They will be low useage (not
> like me) so I am looking for:
>   * low cost (per month),

One of the cheapest I've seen is Namesco at 10.95 per month giving you
256K broadband: http://www.names.co.uk/home_broadband.html

>   * minimum locking period (in case my parents hate the internet),
This one is minimum of 30 days, but if you leave within a year they charge
you £50 or £15 for a migration.


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