[Sussex] Things that make you roll with tears of laughter.

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 00:37:03 UTC 2006

My Dell Inspiron cost me £349 and I ordered it on-line. I got the RAM 
upgrade from Crucial (bringing total to the 512meg max for this 
machine). Then I installed Mandriva and it worked brilliantly, including 
the software modem (SiS 900 I think) and that surprised and pleased me. 
The problem was no system disks were included, but they sent these to me 
for free (cost a lot more than including them in the first place).
I have just returned from Holiday in N.Z. and while there installed 
Mandriva on several machines including another Dell, an Inspiron 600m. 
This worked very well including the Wi-Fi (Intel IPW2100).
The Dell laptops are made by Foxcon in China.
On my Dell I squeezed the MS down to a small partition (10gig). The 
Linux lives on the other 20gig and works very well.

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