how to solve gui problems quicker? (was Re: [Sussex] Problem installing software)

Ronan Chilvers ronan at
Fri Mar 17 08:50:46 UTC 2006

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 19:06:53 +0000
Nic <nferrier at> wrote:

> > HTH. Any more grief, let us know.
> Would any one here be interested in co-operating to build a bunch of
> UMLs with various dists to make solving problems like this easier?

Nice idea.  Not sure how much joy you'd have with diagnosing esoteric
Xorg problems on a UML.  Might be a better idea to generate a set of
qemu hdd images and make them available for download.  Would need a bit
of bandwidth to host them, but you wouldn't have the overhead of
running a UML server and its assorted naughtinesses (shedloads of RAM,
hefty CPUs, fast discs, etc).  Unless you could do some sort of
deal with Bytemark of course. You'd only have to fire up the qemu
instance when you needed to - if you mucked up your copy, you could
just grab a new vanilla copy...

I have vanilla debian woody and ubuntu breezy (I think!) images already
that I use for testing...

> Anyone think else think this is a good idea?

Yes. Me.

e: ronan at
t: 01903 739 997

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