[Sussex] [OT] Solaris and Hardware

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Sun Mar 19 17:29:20 UTC 2006

Hi Rob

On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 14:08:15 -0000
"Rob Malpass" <rob at malpass133.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> 2) Networking.   I have two broadband connections via two routers on
> the same network.   Wanadoo have just axed their news server (without
> telling us) so I can't send usenet messages except by paying.
> However ntlworld (my other ISP) still have one.   Trouble is, if I
> switch my settings to shove all traffic through ntlworld, I can't
> send mail from Wanadoo (because not Wanadoo subnet).   Catch 22 - if
> I shove all my stuff through Wanadoo - no access to ntlworld's news
> server (wrong subnet).   I realise I could just use one PC for news,
> one for mail etc but that's a bit of a faff which got me thinking...

How about you have a default route for Wanadoo but set up a static
route for t'other sub net on which the news server resides?  All
traffic goes via wanadoo pipe, except for news server stuff which goes
out ntl pipe...

Any good?

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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