[Sussex] May & June moots

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu May 4 02:53:59 UTC 2006


On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 00:36 +0100, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> A couple of suggestions for the May & June moots:
> May: Question & answer session.
> Perhaps those with questions could submit them prior to the moot so that
> those with answers could prepare a good answer?

I've added this to the talks lists as no one has come forward, saying
they are prepared to talk at next month's moot.

> Do people think that a prepared Q & A session would work better than an
> impromptu one?

Personally I think you need both.  But any questions arsked on this list
are likly to get answered before the moot :-)

> June: "SLUG Shorts".
> In which several people would give much shorter presentations than is
> usual.

No volenteers yet, so that one is still up in the air.

> My thinking behind this idea is that it may encourage those who have not
> yet given a presentation to take the plunge.

I would incourage that too.

> Additionally, it would serve as a platform for topics that could struggle
> to fill a normal presentation slot.

There is nothing that says how long a presentation has to be.  I've
always left that up to the speaker.

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