[Sussex] Suggestions for backup software

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu May 4 13:57:22 UTC 2006

Hi Colin

On Thu, 04 May 2006 14:37:44 +0100
Colin Tuckley <colin at tuckley.org> wrote:

> > I should be at block 1, surely?  Consequently another 
> Firstly is it a Scsi device - tell only works for them according to
> man mt

No - ide using ide-tape.  I had to create the device nodes but mt works
fine as far as I can tell.

> Also you could be suffering from "being past the start marker" and
> thus it knows the tape is in the middle of block 1 - so a read will
> read block 2.

Ah!  Sounds very possible.

> Reading multiple blocks on a tape usually has to be done "on the fly"
> because of the overshoot problem when stopping the tape.

Maybe I'll give it a go then and see how I get on.  The problem I have
is that the flexbackup option to test the drive fails because of this
problem - it writes 3 files, then correctly reads the first but not the
second and third.  I guess the workaround is to always rewind and then
forward wind to the block you need?

Maybe I'll just let it run for a couple of days and see what I get...

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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