[Sussex] Windows XP -- unexplained shutdown

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Wed May 10 08:45:26 UTC 2006

John Gregory wrote:
> Andrew
> Have you, or the 4 people you know about, been running Windows 
> executables through WINE on a Linux System at some stage?
> According to the WINE Readme it it possible for it to screw up a Windows 
> installation and it advises using a second separate installation for 
> running windows executable  files.

Nope there true Windows (ie no linux systems).  The idea of a virus also 
   is very slim as all system have a virus checking software ie Norton 
Virus 2005, Nod32, PCGuard etc.  The is some noise on other mailing list 
that it an issue with updated WGA.  The reset only happens once and it 
isn't a system safe reset!

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