[Sussex] [Fwd: SLUG news for Linux format]

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Nov 2 21:07:21 UTC 2006

I had the e-mail below requesting some copy.

As I am hopeless doing this I thought I could pass it one and someone
who is better at this could help out.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Graham Morrison <graham.morrison at futurenet.co.uk>
> Reply-To: graham.morrison at futurenet.co.uk
> To: steve at dobson.org
> Subject: SLUG news for Linux format
> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 15:28:45 +0000
> Hi Steve,
> I was browsing the SLUG homepage and wondered if you'd like to 
> write a few words that we could use in our magazine's LUG pages. I did 
> email this request to Gareth yesterday, but because the magazine is 
> close to deadline, I thought I'd try your email address as well, as 
> I'd had no reply from Gareth - sorry for mailbombing your group!
> The text would be the perfect opportunity to advertise January's 
> Blogging presentation, and also get in a few words about the Sussex 
> Linux User Group. The issue we're currently working on will be 
> available late December/early January.
> If you think it's a good idea, we'd need around 300 words, and if you 
> can think of an image or two (perhaps a photo of a meeting), that 
> would really help. If you'd prefer, I don't mind writing something 
> about the LUG, but ideally, we need the news for the magazine before 
> the end of the week.
> Let me know if you think this is possible.
> All the best,
> Graham

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