[Sussex] Argos Catalogue surprise

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Nov 10 14:00:22 UTC 2006


On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 13:35 +0000, Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> Steven Dobson <steve at dobson.org> writes:
> > For hardware producers supporting as many OSs as possible is just good
> > economic business.  The profit comes from the hardware sale (and for
> > some the support thereof); software is just the enabler that allows a
> > customer to use your product.
> If I were a printer supplier I'd be thinking twice about offering
> linux support. The state of linux printing is still so appalling that
> it must make you nervous about what support issues you're going to run
> into.

The advantage of a published standard - Postscript.  All postscript
printers use the same generic driver.  Therefore a supplier only needs
to worry about testing his printer against the same driver all other
Postscript printers use.  Likewise the Linux printing subsystems also
needs only test one diver.

Compare this to each printer series having its own command format.  Each
class of printers needs to be testing with every printing subsystem.


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