[Sussex] Podcast: A plan

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Nov 21 08:36:29 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 07:54 +0000, Colin Tuckley wrote:
> Steven Dobson wrote:
> > Is it a good idea to do a little mini trail run just to see what the
> > issues are?  I was think after the next BCF as we will all be together.
> Hmm... Yes, we definitely need to do a trial run. However a few of points:
> I'll need some notice to get the kit together, it doesn't all live here.

Okay, so how soon could you get the kit (Mixer desk and microphones)

> Someone needs to get a recording device organised since as I said before
> mine lives in Aylesbury atm. I'm assuming we will use a PC running audacity
> or similar but I don't have one that is portable (see below). Note that the
> critical quality component in the recording chain will be whatever does the
> digitization (i.e. the sound card). The average laptop sound card is
> probably good enough in theory but they tend to suffer from induced noise
> pickup from the rest of the system.

I've just packaged my a PVR-250 into a old Compaq Deskpro so that it is
portable MythTV demo for the BCF stall.  I've had no problems with that
card as the video digitiser so it should be okay for just getting the
audio.  Audio input is a  standard 3.5mm hole.  That should do.

> Before we do a trial recording run we need to do a tech rehearsal to make
> sure the kit all works together and that we have the correct leads etc.
> Mostly for the desk to recording device part.

Good point.

> My house is too noisy to do an actual recording - I have buses running past
> outside among other things.

Another good reason to do a trial run, find out what's acceptable.


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