[Sussex] hosting

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Tue Nov 21 08:42:18 UTC 2006

Hi Gareth

On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 08:29:44PM +0000, Gareth Ablett wrote:
> we need a host for either a dedicated server with somthing like plesk on or
> mayby a VPS with a cost preferably less then £1k per year, but the most
> important thing is to have a support team that know what they are doing so
> if you have had any experiance of this then i would love to know.

Have you looked at Bytemark? They do both VMs (UML based) and dedicated servers.
I've been using their VM products for about 4 years now and can testify
to their quality. I've also done some admin work on a dedicated server
they provided which runs well.  Their VMs start at 15 quid a month and
go on up from there. I use several of their 30 quid jobs. They also
provide free extras like oodles of network backup space, free dns
hosting, out-of-band console access to servers (both VMs and dedicated
servers), distcc compile farm,  boot server for rebuilding your box from
scratch remotely, debian mirrors, etc, etc. They do a Plesk offering as well 
as Debian, Gentoo, Red Hat and, I think, CentOS and Ubuntu. You can also 
scale the VMs resources as you go, bolting on extra RAM, disk space, etc.

Definitely worth giving them a look see. Nice guys. Matthew Bloch is
the chap you want to speak to.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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