[Sussex] Projector for moot?

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Nov 26 22:01:13 UTC 2006

Sorry Gavin

On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 23:57 +0000, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> I tried e-mailing Steve D off-list about a projector for the moot, but
> have received no reply as yet.
> I can only assume that he is either away, or didn't get my e-mail as I
> have been having big e-mail trouble these past few days.

You're right I was away.  However, I checked my e-mail logs and I do see
an e-mail log from you for Thur 23/11/06.  I don't remember it but I was
getting ready to go to my parents for a long weekend so I must have
missed it.

> Does anyone know if a projector will be/can be made available for
> Thursday? It would be most useful for my presentation.

I have a projector for Thursday so worry not.  Steve W's quick "show 'n'
tell" on Glx will need the projector too.

Once again, sorry for the delay.  See you Thursday.

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