[Sussex] [Fwd: BCS Sussex : October 11th - The Top Five Insider Attacks]

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Mon Oct 9 06:38:51 UTC 2006

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BCS Sussex : October 11th - The Top Five Insider Attacks
Peter Wood, Chief of Operations, First Base Technologies

Over the past decade, Peter Wood and his team at First Base Technologies
have conducted numerous network penetration tests (to simulate hacker
attacks) and audits for some of the largest organisations in the UK.
During this extended period they have found clear evidence that most
networks share the same five common vulnerabilities, all of which could
be negated by good planning and a reasonable level of security
awareness. Each of these vulnerabilities will be discussed in this
presentation and illustrated by real-world examples, with suggestions
for ways to minimise your exposure to attack.

7.00pm for 7.30pm at Chichester 1, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Free Admission.
No booking or registration is required.
Drinks and light refreshments are provided.
½ Continuing Professional Development Points

Dr Peter Lappo PhD, BSc, MBCS, CITP
BCS Sussex Branch Chair
peter.lappo at bcs.org

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