[Sussex] Jobs

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Mon Oct 9 11:24:51 UTC 2006

Morning Chaps,

If anyone is looking for a linux job locally then this is just a little 
reminder that we are are almost continuously looking for people.  The 
job spec can be found here:


Salary is negotiable, based on experience.  I'll accept CV's from any 
age, sex, level of professional experience - the right people will have:

   * A solid understanding of Linux/UNIX
   * A demonstrable ability to design and implement software using an 
Object Orientated programming language.
  * Excellent communication skills
  * The ability and desire to work with other software engineers in a 
small, highly productive team.

Geoff Teale
Software Engineering Team Manager

Cmed Group Ltd.
Broadlands Business Campus
Langhurstwood Road
West Sussex
RH12 4QP

T +44 (0)1403 755071
E gteale at cmedresearch.com
W http://www.cmedresearch.com

Driven by technology. Guided by experience.

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