[Sussex] What path does one take

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Wed Oct 18 09:06:06 UTC 2006

Whilst my personal stance is that Freedom is the single most important
feature of Linux, this list is about Linux use and doesn't actually
dictate anything in that context about freedom.

Personally I don't think a LUG can be restrictive about it's membership
or the topics discussed beyond requiring that the bulk of traffic
concerns Linux.  Even here however we can't be too concerned with
scemantics.  I mean Linux is a kernel after all - to cover the scope of
this list it should be the Sussex GNU/Linux Systems, Distributions and
Related Software and Issues Discussion List and User Group.  The
SGLSDRSIDLUG is a bit of a mouth full though so I vote we remain a
semantically pragmatic discussion group working under an inaccurate
title and embrace anyone with even a passing interest in matters
relating to Linux.

Geoff Teale
Software Engineering Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
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