[Sussex] Possible presentation

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Oct 28 19:17:25 UTC 2006

Hi Steve

On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 19:15 +0100, Stephen Williams wrote:
> Couple of questions for you on gpg.

Three acually, but who's counting?  :-)

> 1. I've generated a new key pair, and will add other identities. I guess
> these are all stored in ~/.gnupg. What do I need to transfer from this
> directory onto a dedicated USB drive?

I copied everything for safety:
   $ mkdir /media/usb0/.gnupg
   $ chmod 700 /media/usb0/.gnupg
   $ cp -a ~/gnugp/* /media/usb0/,gnupg
But only the private keyring file (secring.pgp) needs to be on the USB
   $ cd ~/gnugp
   $ mv secring.gpg <some-where-safe>
   $ ln -s /media/usb0/.gnupg/secring.gpg

And then to check that you haven't cocked things up:
  $ gpg --list-secret-keys

> 2. How much space do I allocate to a dedicated partition for the gpg
> stuff? The drive is 2Gb and I would like to put another partition on the
> drive for file storage.

If you're using a USB thumb drive you can NOT connected to a machine
that you do not control.  Therefore I don't see any need to partition
the device and I store everying in one partition.  But if you want to
maximum for file storeage only copy
the secring.pgp file and that is small, under 2K for me.

> 3. Do I store the whole ~/.gnupg directory on the USB drive and symlink
> ~/.gnupg to it?

If you want by I didn't (see above).

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