[Sussex] GP2X CPU Upgraded...

linux at oneandoneis2.org linux at oneandoneis2.org
Tue Oct 31 18:05:46 UTC 2006

Quoting Richie Jarvis <richie at helkit.com>:

> Just spotted this on the Reg:
> http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/10/31/gp2x_console_cpu_upgraded/
> Definately going to be getting one for Christmas me thinks....
> Richie

I'll jump in quickly so that people who've already bought a GP2X don't  
get too worked up :o)

It's not actually true: There's no "faster processor" - it's the exact  
same processor, they've just bumped up the clock speed & made sure  
it'll take the higher speed before selling it. You can overclock your  
own GP2X easily if you need/want to - there's software available for  
that very purpose. . .

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