[Sussex] Project Advice....

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Fri Sep 29 12:01:39 UTC 2006

John Crowhurst wrote:
> On Fri, September 29, 2006 11:30, John Crowhurst wrote:
>> My guess is that you setup the wlan card, give it the wiana IP address,
>> load the AODV kernel module and you are off.
> Ok I forgot authentication, wireless encryption, hostap and dhcpd.
> --
> John
Yup, and also building a new tiny distro to house it all, allowing easy 
updates, VPN (inter-Mesh, and client-to-AP), RADIUS authentication.

As I said, I feel its a little too daunting for me to tackle on my own, 
so would appreciate some thoughts on how best to start a new project.



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