[Sussex] Linux Fax for a Single User

Fay Zee fay.linux at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 3 22:54:23 UTC 2007

On 03/04/07, Nic James Ferrier <nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk> wrote:
> I really like those online services - yacfax works pretty well. You
> send it an email and it turns it into a fax (and the reverse of
> course).
> Neat.
> Not Linux specific though.

OK, thanks, Nik, I looked up Yac Fax at http://www.yac.com/. They
offer a one month free trial, but this solution isn't suitable as they
allocate you a number to use from the point of joining.

My friend is expecting faxes to his own BT line, probably from
tomorrow. If we can work out the best solution - whether Hylafax or
another - our mutual friend could perhaps set it up for him.


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