[Sussex] BBC iPlayer

Jacqui caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Mon Aug 13 12:51:30 UTC 2007

Andrew Guard wrote:
> Here my pennies thought:-
> 1) Why is iPlayer not written in Java?
> 2) If need DRM system why not open source DRM system like Project DReaM (Sun).

Why would anyone who is forced by .gov.uk to invite a MS employee onto 
thier board willing use Sun technology when they have a chance to 
lock-in us into MS tech?

The only way to vote is with your feet.
I for one will not be renewing the TV licence this year - the TV will
be sold/stuffed into the attic until the BBC decide they want me as a 

The cost will be purchase/download of more TV programming via the Net
or DVD but that is the only way to obtain 50% of what we watch already 
so loss of direct BBC programming is not a big loss.

Paul and Jacqui

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