[Sussex] BBC iPlayer

Andrew Guard andrew07 at andrewguard.com
Tue Aug 14 18:32:11 UTC 2007

On 13/08/07, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jacqui caren wrote:
> > Andrew Guard wrote:
> >> Here my pennies thought:-
> >> 1) Why is iPlayer not written in Java?
> >> 2) If need DRM system why not open source DRM system like Project
> >> DReaM (Sun).
> >
> > Why would anyone who is forced by .gov.uk to invite a MS employee onto
> > thier board willing use Sun technology when they have a chance to
> > lock-in us into MS tech?
> Umm. I'm voting by working at the BBC and showing where Linux works better.

All in all a rather good day, managed in the END to set up meeting
with boss at BBC. Something which has not happened before which will
take place in September.

An interesting point is the BBC petition on pm site is most signed up
one about the BBC, no other petition comes close most them bellow 100
people, 15,645 and still going strong but you have until 20 August
2007, 6 days and counting to sign up.


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