[Sussex] part time sysadmin wanted
nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk
Wed Aug 15 13:46:17 UTC 2007
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Is anyone here interested in doing a bit of low cost sysadmin stuff?
I've got a bunch of tasks that need doing and I don't have the time:
- setup SSLd IMAP and POP
- setup nagios to monitor IMAP and POP and other things
- setup some form of PAM account management (LDAP, Postgres?)
- setup PPP/PPTP VPN chap authentication with PAM
- setup VPNs between machines
Obviously not all of this is necessary at once. It might take a month
or longer to get all this done.
Is anyone interested? I can pay, albeit not a fortune.
Nic Ferrier
http://prooveme.com - easy, simple, certificated OpenID
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