[Sussex] Moot Attendance List

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Sun Aug 26 00:32:41 UTC 2007


On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:28:36 +0100
"Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson" <steve at dobson.org> wrote:

> Mooters
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 03:00:01PM +0100, Sussex wrote:
> > Forthcoming MootTalks are:
> > August  No Talk Planned
> There are no longer any talks in the pipeline.  Gavin has said
> that he is preparing one, but a time for it has not been set.

I am off work all next week, so I should have a timescale for my next
presentation by the end of next week (w/c 27-aug). September for the
talk is a possibility, assuming the subject matter doesn't need too much
research. I will let you know as soon as I can.
> I could have a "political" talk on "Why Software Should Be Free"
> for next week if that is what you guys want, but other than 
> that nothing is planed for that night.

That sounds good to me - I just hope I can make it on Thursday.
> Is there anything that anyone wants to talk about - or have
> discussed?  Those of us that bring laptops might then be able
> to prepare to better help in that area.  Any ideas welcome.

I have some ideas that I will share on Thursday if I get to the moot,
otherwise I shall post them here.


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