[Sussex] Addenda to "Life without X"

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Sat Dec 1 01:01:28 UTC 2007

Owing to the reduced number of slides in my talk last night, I didn't
get round to mentioning the manual for SC (the delightful console
spreadsheet). It can be found here:


For some reason, the man pages didn't install when I installed SC.

Unusually, I recommend reading the manual _after_ you have had a good
play around with SC - I went in completely blind with it & had the
simple calculation I used on the screenshot within 5 minutes.

Also, another missing slide was one showing how to start the text based
browsers (just in case anyone doesn't know). Just type: lynx
http://www.debian.org, or w3m http://www.debian.org, according to your


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