[Sussex] BBC coverage of vista

Jacqui Caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Tue Feb 6 08:50:31 UTC 2007

Gavin Stevens wrote:
> I wonder who you would ask about reviewing Etch? Alternatively, someone
> could submit their own review & that may inspire the BBC to take a look
> themselves.

I think you have to visit the chief exec as head of a multinational
and provide large backhanders of software discounts and real money
to get the coverage Vista has bought.

Yes I believe that the recent (undisclosed) MS BBC agreement was
just a front to hide the funding of Vista based BBC "adverts"
(and thier sudden need to revisit the type of DRM they use).
Saying this I do not blame the BBC for being an MS shill - they
need the money...


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