[Sussex] Keyboard mapping with synergy

Karl E. Jorgensen karl at jorgensen.org.uk
Tue Feb 13 14:53:40 UTC 2007

On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 10:13:36AM +0000, Colin Pickard wrote:
> On 2/10/07, Karl E. J???rgensen <karl at jorgensen.org.uk> wrote:
> >Can't help you with synergy, but perhaps an alternative method
> >altogether?
> >
> >I've had good luck with installing vnc on the windows clients, and then
> >using x2vnc from my laptop.
> That sounds just what I need, I will investigate.

Just started a new job, so I noted down the steps:

On the windows box (XP Professional service pack 2 in this case):
- install tightvnc - from http://sourceforge.net/projects/vnc-tight/ 
  I chose version 1.2.9
  Choose to run it as a service (probably requires local admin rights),
  and set a password.
- Get the IP Address:
    Windows-key + R -> "cmd"
    and from the prompt: "ipconfig" and make a note of the IP address.

Place the linux box (a laptop for me) under the window box's screen.

On the linux box (Debian, obviously)
- Connect it to the network (!)
- apt-get install x2vnc
- from a command line:
    $ x2vnc -north -resurface -trimsel -noblank
  Use the proper ip address in place of "" - but don't forget the
  ":0" bit afterwards...

Karl E. Jorgensen
karl at jorgensen.org.uk  http://www.jorgensen.org.uk/
karl at jorgensen.com     http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
those damn racoons!
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