[Sussex] Linux Security

Fay Zee fay.linux at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 19 23:56:55 UTC 2007

On 19/02/07, Andrew Guard <andrew07 at andrewguard.com> wrote:
> Well this is interesting idea in making a live cd distro of Linux as
> unsecured as possible.
> http://www.damnvulnerablelinux.org/
> But think it worth weight in gold!  Just to learn what not what to do
> keep you Linux system secure.

I like it. It's a wonderful idea. Exploit tutorials are out there but
not so many easily absorbed practical how-tos in the way of

It should get promoted in sufficient volume so all those responsible
for securing systems hear about it and treat it as a wake up call.
Before too many wannabe-crackers get hold of it.

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