[Sussex] Some "Time" questions

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Thu Jan 4 09:49:57 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
 > Agreed, it's quite useful. This also relies on the servers in
> /etc/ntp.conf to be able to reach out through your firewalls to run NTP.
> About 10 minutes after starting NTPD, run "ntpstat localhost" to see if
> it's working, or run "ntptrace localhost" to see if you can run a trace
> back to a reliable NTP server. If you're inside a corporate firewall,
> you may have to set up or help your IT department set up an NTP server
> for internal use.
> Also, it's usually good practice to list at least 3 NTP servers: that
> way, if one gets deranged for whatever reason, the other two can outvote
> it.

Agreed :)

In Fedora, we list {0,1,2}.fedora.pool.ntp.org - picking 3 random
servers from the pool.ntp.org zone. It's also considered harmful to
manually specify timeservers you do not have permission to use. I would
always advocate adding {0,1,2,3,4..}.pool.ntp.org to your NTP
configuration file (up to as many servers as you need). If you're on a
large network, get a local NTP server setup and sync to that :)


- --
Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCX <jfautley at redhat.com>   direct: +44 1483 739615
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