[Sussex] Patents petition

Andy Smith andy at lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 4 12:45:54 UTC 2007

On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 12:35:20PM +0000, Andrew Guard wrote:
> We bring site to it knees, if the government doesn't get the hint it 
> never will.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/01/04/no10_falls_down_again/

Why does the first paragraph of this article read:

"Updated: Ten Downing street has had to stop showing signatories on
its "E-Petitions" site - not this time because of daft petitions but
apparently because it was overloaded with people protesting against
software patents."

And then the last one reads:

""By the way, whilst I'm personally very sympathetic with the
petition on software patents as the director of an non-profit open
source organisation, I'm afraid that the main load wasn't anything
to do with that. It was the more-than-ten-times-as-many people
signing up to this http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax .""

Usually crappy quality standards at The Reg?

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