[Sussex] Switching from HTTP to HTTPS

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 23:36:31 UTC 2007

Vic wrote:
>>> Sadly, it appears they are more interested in the proverbial pink
>>> contract than in being true to their word...
>> What leads you to this claim?
> There was quite a bit presented on news.admin.net-abuse.email. I'd say
> "check the archives" - but it is a very busy newsgroup :-)
> Vic.
Goodness, check the archives and you'll find me back at the creation of 
the news.admin.net-abuse hierarchy, when it migrated over from 
alt.admin.net-abuse. I've been busy since then. I see a huge level of 
ranting there, but find it difficult to tell from skimming how much is 
trolling and how much is legitimate. Did any threads particularly catch 
your eye, or can you vouch for any of them?

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