[Sussex] Check Out Tesco for a Cheap MP3 Player

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed Jan 31 00:42:31 UTC 2007

Hi Gang

I'm just back from my shopping trip to Tesco and I picked myself up a 
little bargain.  As I walked in there was a large bin full of Technika MP3
Players (MP-906).  I guess they were left over stock from Christmas.

The packaging says that the drivers are available on-line but you don't
need them with Linux.  It works as a USB storage, in fact my new Etch
install recognised it as an MP3 player and gave it a little iPod like
icon and launched Rhythmbox for me.

So if you're feeling left out because you aren't in the market for a nice
shinny new PC to run Vista then maybe this will do as a substitute.  At 
£5 (down from £10) it isn't going to break the bank either.

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