[Sussex] Deprecated library

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 16:04:22 UTC 2007

I have done this sort of thing before.
One good method is to set up a printer which uses PS  and then print to 
In those days I was using the PS and actually editing it.
To test this for you I have now installed the HPBusiness Inkjet 2280PS.
It generates a correct postscript file but you need to name it as <name>.ps

Opened with gedit you will find header:-

%%BoundingBox: (atend)
%%Creator: OpenOffice.org 2.0
%%For: desmond
%%CreationDate: Fri Jul  6 16:57:39 2007

Remember PS 2 is monochrome while PS 3.0 (here) is colour.

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