[Sussex] XP pain

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 14:50:09 UTC 2007

Andrew Guard wrote:
> Paul Shepard wrote:
>> OK you got my interest.
>> I have spent some time trying to understand Ubuntu and Linux now 
>> someone introduces me to 'Fedora'
>> Whats the diference, whats best and where do I go from here...
> Wow what a loaded question. Choice one a stick with it for few months 
> at least 3/4. There really are 2 ways of doing things there Debian or 
> Red Hat way of doing it. Now everyone has the own play on doing 
> everything but always seams to go back to them 2.
> Debian = Ubuntu
> Red Hat = Fedora
> Windows = Is like sleaping
> Ubuntu = Is like walking
> Debian = Is like flying space shuttle.
You mean every inch of your bottom side is covered with an individually 
fitted, individually numbered peiece of special space-age material, 
which promptly falls off due to the weak "glue" when you experience the 
flaming re-entry into htis kind of debate?

No, no, I didn't say that. Not me!

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