[Sussex] Quick Test and thanks

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Jun 16 06:30:12 UTC 2007


Sorry for not replying before - I was on site yesterday and it was a lonnng
day :-)

On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 10:59:32AM +0100, Tim Smith wrote:
> It looks like my last few emails haven't got through (probably because of an
> email address mismatch - my fault) so I'm hoping this works.

I'll repeat this for any new members, if you want to post to this list you
must send from an e-mail address signed up to the list.  A while ago we 
discussed the spam problem the list was getting.  Very little spam gets out
from this list - it does happen, but it's rare - that is because only members
can post and almost all spammers don't join.

The list policy was to hold any non-member postings for human review.  I was
that human, and I was having to reject spam many times a day.  Over two years
that just got to be a pain, 95% of held messages where spam, the other 5% were
people (like Tim) posting from e-mail addresses not signed up.

So after consultation on this list the rules where changed so any non-member
postings were silently dropped - no notification to the sender or any one else.
Much less work for me as I only have to send out e-mails like this once in a
blue moon.

If you have multiple e-mail accounts then the recommended way is to sign each
of those accounts up to the list and then configure all but one of those e-mails
to receive the postings - that way you receive just one copy of the list output
but you can post from anyone of your e-mail addresses.


                              Steve "Dobbo" Dobson
                                steve at dobson.org
                               SussexLUG Master
BOFH excuse #56:

Electricians made popcorn in the power supply
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