[Sussex] [off subject] to funny to keep to my self

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sat Jun 16 11:10:43 UTC 2007

Hi Nik,

On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 09:51 +0100, Nik Butler wrote:
> Andrew Guard wrote:
> > Read it and try not to laugh, you know you shouldn't but trust me you
> > will!
> >
> > http://www.office-humour.co.uk/real-news-funnies/5835/
> >
> http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/hot.asp
> Yep your not going to laugh but it does give me an opportunity to take
> the topic into the territory of how do you educate friends and
> colleagues to fact check ( in as much as Snopes is fact checking )
> information before sending it on ?

Illustrate to them how stupid they are by posting snopes and other urban
legends links to them (and if appropriate anti virus database urls) . 

What is it about people who believe some utter cobblers in an email
about making money, avoiding telephone cons, helping find missing
toddlers, all from people who are clearly completely unqualified to make
these assertions (but are qualified as friend/collegues). 

My mother in law has _almost_ stopped. She still forwards on the "help
$foo get $bar by sending this mail to $numerous friends and you will get
$baz back". 

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