[Sussex] Mines in Sussex (was: Installing wireless cards)

Steve Dobbo Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Mar 8 22:50:50 UTC 2007


On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 08:14:00PM -0000, John Crowhurst wrote:
> All joking aside, Mountfield (near Battle) has Gypsum mines that run deep
> into the hillside. Deep enough to withstand a nuclear strike.

Well I live and learn.  I know Battle, it was part of my commut for many
years ago (not the Mountfield route) and also the best route to my parents.
I've driven past Mountfield a few time, no often but a few, and never knew.  

                              Steve "Dobbo" Dobson
                                steve at dobson.org
                               SussexLUG Master
BOFH excuse #117:

the printer thinks its a router.
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